martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the computer. I got it since that I'm fourteen years old. I use it every day and I use for many things. But, mainly use it to study, check the web site of the university, search information of various topic, check my email to see if I have new mail. Furthemore, I use it to communicate with my friends because I don't like talking on the phone. Also, this form of communication is very useful to contact with a school friend who went to study at Concepcion because it is the easiest way we have to communicate, due to the communication by phone has the disadvantage that it is more expensive.
I like the computer because it is a faster and easier way to get information and to and to communicate because it is cheaper than other types of comunication. Without it my life would be a little difficult and boring because it would be harder to do my homework and communicate with my friends.

4 comentarios:

  1. My lost sister! do you like pc??? 1313
    at me sometimes xD
    when I haven´t that study xD
    best regards my sister!


  2. Belén impostor!!!
    I don't like pc!! it remember me the long nights of study =(

    also I lost a lot of time in pc =(

    I go away :P

  3. hi belen =D !!

    wow! xD my favourite piece technology is too a computer :O !. It is a tool really fantastic for communicate with friends =)

    i hope that you have a good weekend


  4. Well done!.

    you search information about different topics, not of different topics.

    PS: you have a 6.

    Regards, miss.
